AP Networks 

AP Networks provides cloud-based software solutions for refining, chemicals, and other heavy industrials to drive peak capital projects and shutdowns, turnarounds, and outages (STO) performance. This case study highlights how growth strategy and sales leaders set a new course for AP Networks to achieve accelerated growth.


20% Year-over-Year Growth Target

Revenue Growth Case Study

“ We already know the ROI on this work is going to be 10X-plus.”


AP Networks established aggressive revenue growth and new market entry objectives for their products and solutions.

AP Networks

AP Networks designs cloud-based software solutions for the unique requirements of both large capital and plant-based projects


AP Networks had an acute need to achieve high, year-over-year revenue growth for its software business of at least 20%. The firm also wanted notable increases in its benchmarking and analytics subscription services.


CXO Partners quickly created desired state scenarios, including projecting revenue goals and benchmarking metrics for the next three-to-five years. The team focused specifically on:

  • Customer Base Penetration, including cross-sell, upsell and white space analysis
  • Market Acceleration, including market share, new logo wins and resources needed in geographies and markets
  • Customer and Product Diversification, including market entry into new industries for existing products
  • Sales Optimization, including streamlining sales effectiveness

Areas of Opportunity were identified, including

  • Restructure and simplify regional leadership and reporting
  • Establish a dedicated team for business development and new logos
  • Change the selling approach from consultative to value driven
  • Formalize Account Management and Opportunity Strategy processes and cadences
  • Solidify sales operations processes, data, and metrics
  • Review of commission plans
  • Develop additional modules and functionalities based on customers’ need.
Maher Maamari
Maher MaamariManaging Partner, Revenue Growth & Executive Operations, Leader of Energy Industry Sector


AP Networks is realizing fast results in its growth objectives from the implementation and recommendations of CXO Partners. These include restructuring the organization, modification of commission plans, updates and rolling out of quotas, and taking the initial steps to shift from consultative selling to value selling.

“We have prioritized the opportunities and recommendations, and already started to action them. We still have ways to go, but we are well on our way, and we are confident that we will preserve our numerous strengths while making adjustments to reach our desired state. We already know the ROI on the assessment is going to be in many 10X.

AirWorks Case Study

George Debakey, Jr.

Chairman & Co-founder, AP Networks

AirWorks Case Study

“The breadth and depth of their assessment was exactly what we needed. It was the catalyst to make some changes, but more importantly, it reinvigorated our organization and impelled us to take action.

AirWorks Case Study

-Brett Schroeder

CEO & Co-founder, AP Networks

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