M&A Technology Services

M&A Technology Services

Business-oriented technologists help you identify and remediate product, technical, and security-related issues that introduce risk to a deal. We also help integrate acquisitions and remediate identified issues post-close.

What are Technology M&A Services?

Technology is a critical factor in buying or selling a business. Regardless of the industry or what the business does, almost all businesses today either deliver a technology solution or are enabled by technology. Similarly, Security is an increasingly common and critical aspect of the risk equation either when buying a business or getting ready to sell one. TechCXO offers all the technology-related services that are needed to prepare a business for sale, perform diligence on a business to be purchased, and help ensure a smooth integration of a business after the sale.

Buy-Side Tech Diligence

See how TechCXO can effectively identify risk in a planned acquisition or investment with minimum disruption to the seller. These insights into technological competencies and infrastructure will help mitigate risk and provide a technical roadmap for success. Read More >

Learn how TechCXO, with our comprehensive Technology, Program Management, and Security resources, can support the effective integration of an acquisition after the sale. Ensure a smooth transition with our expert resources and strategies tailored for post-merger success. Read More >

Learn more about how TechCXO can efficiently assess the current state of technology and security and develop a very practical remediation plan to get the business ready for diligence. Read More >

Learn more about how TechCXO can support the Product, Technology, and Security needs of the post-close entity after the sale – everything from addressing remediation items from diligence to helping to scale the Product and the team that supports it. Read More >

What to Expect


Critical Risks Identified Pre-close

On the sell-side, identify and get a plan in place for all the key product & technology risks in the business. On the buy-side, de-risk the deal by surfacing deal-impacting product & technology risks before the close.

Technology Roadmap Foundation Created

The findings and recommendations from the product & technology assessments performed become the foundation of a solid technology roadmap.

Smoother Post-close Integration & Execution

The assessment results coupled with fractional technology leadership allow for a seamless transition from assessment to remediation.

Download a Sample Report

See an abbreviated sample of our Tech Due Diligence Report. Our technical diligence services focus on providing fast, thorough, and practical diligence that lets investors and stakeholders know exactly what they need to know about the target company without getting lost in the minutiae.

Questions? Call or Email Us

Unfamiliar with how executives on demand works? We pioneered this unique model and are happy to guide you step by step. Schedule a call or send an email today to get started.