Executive Readiness2023-11-15T10:21:24-05:00

Are you worried about the risks of
promoting from within?

Is your newly promoted executive REALLY ready?


Accelerating new executives to be positive contributors to the company and leadership culture ASAP is what we do best.

Accelerate Productivity & Impact

Dear Senior Executive Team,

Looking to promote a new executive?!

We get it.

Promoting an individual contributor or middle manager from within your organization to the senior leadership team can be incredibly rewarding, but doesn’t come without its concerns and risks.

Does the new executive have the required emotional intelligence and polish required to flourish in his/her new role?

Can they handle incredibly stressful situations that we know he/she will face?

How adaptive are they to change and can they lead others to accelerate change and deliver innovation?

These are just a few of the questions that you may be asking yourself and that may be rightfully giving you pause.

Luckily, we at TechCXO, have been working with countless leaders in the exact same shoes for nearly a decade. And, our new executive readiness program is purpose-built to help you mitigate these risks and accelerate the productivity and impact of your newly promoted executive.

Ensure your new executive gains confidence and productivity within weeks. Experience their positive impact on the company and culture almost instantly.

The most effective new executive readiness program ever… here’s why it works

Accelerate Productivity & Impact


Did coaching really have an impact on your team’s big strategic decisions?

Dawn Beard
VP IT Technology
Shaw Industries, a Berkshire Hathaway Company

What impact did coaching have on this team of up-and-comers?

Mark Banks
VP Human Resource
Larson-Juhl, a Berkshire Hathaway Company

What impact did having a CTO as your coach have on your experience?

Arthur Kjelshus
Director of Software Engineering and Information Technology
Nexstar Network


Why is it worth it? Will I get an ROI?2023-10-24T15:03:44-04:00

You most-definitely will. But, don’t take our word for it. A Metrix Global study found that executive coaching has a 788% return on investment (ROI). The International Coaching Federation (ICF) reports an increase in individual performance of 70%, including higher goal attainment, clearer communication, and higher satisfaction.

Here’s another way to look at it. If you don’t invest in your new executive and he/she “isn’t ready”, the organization will be faced with the high costs of:

  • replacing the executive in 18-24 months and likely paying a higher salary and recruiting fees to hire externally
  • major delays in strategic initiatives being completed and delivering on their intended outcomes,
  • loss of talented subordinate team members who lose faith in upward mobility opportunities,
  • low employee engagement scores from teams that are simply frustrated working for the struggling executive, and
  • marginalized cohesion, impact, and collaboration of the senior leadership team.
How can I learn more about the pitfalls that can lead to failed promotions?2023-10-24T15:02:58-04:00

We highly recommend gaining access to our insights report. By answering 5 questions in 5 minutes, we’ll send you a report that is tailored to your situation and your candidate. Our Clients LOVE this report and we are confident you will find it very helpful.

How is TechCXO’s program so different and uniquely valuable?2023-11-14T08:24:46-05:00
Why are the coaching aspects of experience so valuable to the newly promoted executive?2023-11-15T10:23:36-05:00

Newly promoted executives (some in their early 30s and many in their 50s) report common feedback about the value they draw from the readiness coaching experience. Here’s a video that explains what we hear time and time, again.

How much time will this take? How will the new executive fit this in?2023-10-24T14:53:05-04:00

The TechCXO Coaching for Newly Promoted Executives program will require a total of 10 hours over 2.5 months, or 4 hours per month. We populate the calendar of the executive at the very beginning of the engagement. 

Clients tell us that they strongly encourage personal and professional development, especially for new executives. However, very few executives actually execute and make time for their own development. Our Clients report that this program provides not only the structure to ensure that the executive has time allocated, but more importantly, he/she enjoys the experience so much that it becomes a non-negotiable priority for them!

Is coaching purely soft skills for the new executive, or can the engagement be objectives-based?2023-10-09T00:02:30-04:00

Coaching for new executives at TechCXO is not just about developing soft skills. While we do address the emotional challenges and pressures that come with the new role, our coaching program is highly valued because it delivers concrete results.

To ensure a successful coaching engagement, the sponsoring executive, along with the new executive, will meet with the coach to establish clear expectations and guidelines. This helps in maximizing the tangible outcomes of the coaching process.

Throughout the engagement, the new executive will enhance their self-awareness, gain clarity on their perspective, and improve their communication skills. They will have a trusted sounding board to exchange ideas and learn tactical and strategic best practices. By reducing self-doubt and making faster, informed decisions, the new executive will significantly increase their productivity and ultimately deliver a higher return on investment.

At TechCXO, our coaching program goes beyond soft skills and focuses on achieving measurable objectives. We understand the importance of delivering clear outcomes that benefit both the individual and the organization.

What is THE #1 reason why newly promoted executives fail in their new roles?2023-10-09T00:01:29-04:00

The reason why newly promoted executives fail in their new roles is due to fear, specifically the fear of failure. 

Though the stated reason for removing the new executive may be one of a multitude of reasons, such as procrastination, second-guessing themselves, aggressive defiance, poor time management, productivity, change resistance, poor delegation, frustration, defeated attitude, overwhelm, poor results, and siloed behavior, when one digs down into “what went wrong”, we observe a recurring theme. The new executive was not able to remove the obstacles that fear was putting in the path toward success.

Therefore, our focus during executive coaching sessions for new executives is centered on helping them tackle and harness this fear. While the concept itself may seem simple, putting it into practice is complex. However, when executed effectively, it has the potential to transform their lives.

To gain valuable insights on this topic, we highly recommend reading this article by Matt Oess, TechCXO’s Coaching Practice Leader.

We haven’t done anything like this in the past. How do I sell this, internally?2023-10-20T16:09:23-04:00

At TechCXO, we think about the value of providing coaching support for newly promoted executives in at least two ways. Firstly, it’s like an inexpensive but highly valuable insurance policy that mitigates the key risks that come with promoting from within to a senior role.  But, in this case, it is like having an insurance policy that you absolutely know you will need to make a claim. The pressures associated with taking a seat at the leadership table exist every time, and all new executives will benefit from support. By dramatically increasing the emotional intelligence, awareness, and communication skills of the new executive, the interpersonal poise and polish can better match the operational expertise that qualifies the executive in the first place.

Secondly, these newly acquired/refined skills and the confidence delivered by a solid sounding board provided by TechCXO’s C-level expert result in hard returns on the coaching investment. In fact, Metrix Global study found that executive coaching has a 788% return on investment (ROI) based on factors including increases in productivity and employee retention. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) reports an increase in individual performance of 70%, including higher goal attainment, clearer communication, and higher satisfaction.

TechCXO combines the value of working on the mindset and interpersonal communication and leadership skills that New Executives require through coaching. PLUS, the program includes consulting/mentoring sessions devoted to providing a sounding board for tactical problem-solving and the sharing of best-practices. Since TechCXO’s coaches are all currently in operating roles like CTO, CMO, CEO, etc, they are uniquely able to deliver both parts of this program. 

For more on understanding these risks discussed, we highly suggest working through the 5 critical questions survey that companies need to pay more attention to when promoting a team member to the senior leadership team.

What’s included in TechCXO’s coaching program for newly promoted executives?2023-11-14T08:25:56-05:00

In this unique offering for New Executives, TechCXO combines the value of working on the mindset and interpersonal communication and leadership skills that New Executives require through coaching. PLUS, the program includes consulting/mentoring sessions devoted to providing a sounding board for tactical problem solving and the sharing of best-practices. Since TechCXO’s coaches are all currently in operating roles like CTO, CMO, CEO, etc, they are uniquely able to deliver both parts of this program. 

Of course, Executive Coaching, in its purest sense, responds to problems that cannot be addressed by simply creating strategies and programs and execution. Executive Coaching gets to the root of issues blocking people and companies taking the actions they need to or achieving desired changes. Coaching gets under limiting beliefs and sticky, pervasive issues that the executive or organization cannot get out from under, accelerating decisions and impact.

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